Netzwerk Kinderrechte Schweiz

Neue Allgemeine Bemerkung: Kinderrechte auf der Strasse

Der UN-Kinderrechtsausschuss arbeitet an einem neuen General Comment. Beiträge von zivilgeselllschaftlicher und staatlicher Seite sind erwünscht.

Die Allgemeinen Bemerkungen (General Comments) des UN-Kinderrechtsausschusses sind verbindliche Auslegungen der in der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention (UN-KRK) enthaltenen Rechte und damit wichtige Beiträge zur Umsetzung der Rechte in der Praxis.

Die neue Allgemeine Bemerkung soll sich mit den Rechten von Kindern beschäftigen, die ganz oder teilweise auf der Strasse leben, und zwar unter den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln. Inputs der Zivilgesellschaft, den Vertragsstaaten und anderen interessierten Akteuren zu folgenden Themen sind erwünscht:

"1. The right to freedom of association and assembly (CRC article 15)

  • a. What are the realities of association and assembly for street-connected children and how are their rights under article 15 violated?
  • b. What are good practices/solutions in realising street-connected children’s rights under article 15?
  • c. What are some concrete examples of legitimate and illegitimate restrictions on street-connected children’s rights under article 15?

2. The right to special protection and assistance for children deprived of a family environment (article 20)

  • a. How can States guarantee children’s right to special care and protection by offering them better choices so they are not forced to depend on their street connections for their survival and/or development? (Including good practices/solutions which address the care and protection needs of street-connected children).

3. The right to an adequate standard of living (article 27)

  • a. What are the most effective measures that States Parties can take to implement the right to an adequate standard of living for children in street situations or at risk of being so, including assistance to parents and others responsible for the child?

4. Developing rights-based, holistic, long term strategies to prevent children developing strong street connections and to support children in street situations

  • a. What should be included in rights-based, holistic, long term strategies to prevent street children developing strong street connections and to support children in street situations?
  • b. What are criteria and/or indicators for an intervention to be considered a ‘good practice’ in relation to preventing children developing strong street connections and/or supporting children in street situations?
  • c. What are the key recommendations the Committee should be making to States in this regard?"

Auf der Website des UN-Kinderrechtsausschusses können weitere Informationen abgerufen werden. Die Frist für alle Rückmeldungen ist der 12. April 2016.

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