Netzwerk Kinderrechte Schweiz
Neue Allgemeine Bemerkung: Kinderrechte im Kontext von Arbeitsmigration
Der Joint General Comment soll sich mit den Kinderrechten im Kontext internationaler Migration befassen. Die beiden Ausschüsse präzisieren:
"The submissions should relate to the situation of human rights of the following categories of children (people under the age of 18) in the context of migration:
Children that migrate with their parents who are migrant workers;
Children that are born to parents who are migrant workers in transit and destination countries;
Migrant children that return to their country of origin, either voluntarily or by force, alone or with their parents;
Children left behind by their parents (or one of them) who have migrated to another country and
Children that migrate unaccompanied and separated from their parents (for reasons such as seeking employment, family reunification or as victims of trafficking, labour exploitation and child labour)."
Auf der Website des UN-Kinderrechtsausschusses können weitere Informationen abgerufen werden. Die Frist für alle Rückmeldungen ist der 29. Februar 2016.